Thursday, July 10, 2008


Recently I went to Best Buy to purchase a printer for my Laptop. Off course since I work at the library you would have thought I would have done some research before going on a shopping spree. I asked for assistance and was recommended that I buy an HP printer for $190.00. That was a lot more that I wanted to spend but I really liked the feature of it having a built-in wireless feature. The salesperson then recommended a lower priced HP model that did not have built-in wireless. The salesperson said it can be configured to be wireless but would be rather difficult to do and I could have the Geek squad come to my house to set up. I decided to go with the lower priced model and would just have to forget the wireless. I went home and set up the printer and with the instructions and the help option on the router it was so easy to configure my printer to be wireless. DO RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING A TECH PURCHASE AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU MIGHT KNOW MORE THAN YOU THINK.

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